  • Company founded in 1987
  • Initiated feed grade product international business in North America and Asia
  • Acquired Taiwan R2501 Recycle Management Certificate (recycle PCB acid-etching waste liquid)
  • Acquired "Taiwan Patent No. I 291456", "United States Patent No. US7,351,343 B2" and "China Patent No. ZL 2006 1 0017216.4"
  • Set up production line for electronic grade copper sulfate and copper oxide
  • Acquired feeds and food additives free sales and manufacture certificate
  • Expanded investment, DLMt is 100% holding Max Chemicals
  • Awarded the excellent manufacturer of feed grade copper sulfate by Council of Agriculture, Taiwan
  • Opened sales office and logistic center in Taoyuan, Taiwan
  • To become the top 10 brand of copper sulfate for feeds and food additives